
Cat lying on a plant

Toxic Plants for Cats

Spring will soon be here in Calgary and it’s time we had a little chat about toxic plants. Now most cats love to chew on plants. Ingesting a toxic plant can lead to many problems such as vomiting, diarrhea, and organ failure. Cats also love to climb so if your...

Hands holding a cat on an examination table

Oral (mouth) Tumours in Cats

By far, the most common form of oral tumour  found in cats is Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Others which occur only rarely are Epulis, Fibrosarcoma and Lymphosarcoma.  There are conditions which might be confused with a tumour.  These are intra oral abscess, granulation tissue and eosinophilic granuloma. Squamous Cell Carcinomas are...

Cat lying in a crate

Cat Carrier Tips

As we all know, taking your cat to the vet can be stressful. Strange carriers, an unfamiliar car journey, and strange sights, smells, and noises can all frighten your kitty and make them anxious. Often getting your cat into the carrier in the first place is a challenge all in...

Hand holding a stethoscope in front of a cat

Why Does My Cat Do That? by Dr. Dummer

t's that time of year again - time for the annual pet checkup!