
Cat looking at a cat toy

Scratch, Scratch, Scratch

Did you know that cat’s claws are projectile? This means that a cat has to engage muscle and tendons in order to use their claws.

Cat sitting in a litter box

Let’s Talk Litter Boxes

Cats can end up in shelters or rescue operations for a number of reasons, but one of the most common reasons is because they don’t use the litter box.

Cat getting its nails trimmed

Basic Cat Grooming

Cat nails should be trimmed about every 4 weeks the hind nails usually grow slower and can go about 6-8 weeks.


Spring Fever

Despite the constant onslaught of snow, the robins are back and the magpies are fixing their nests… SPRING IS HERE! Your cat may be content to enjoy the longer hours napping in the sunshine, but for some other kitties, the longer days seem to bring out the some less than desirable behaviour.