
Dental Care Tips for Cats

Preventative Dental Care for Cats

Preventative dental care is one of the most important things owners can do to increase the health and longevity of their cats. Neglecting to keep a cat’s mouth healthy can lead to gingivitis and periodontal disease.

history of cats

The Evolution of Cats

The pantherlike ancestor to the cat family first appeared in Southeast Asia, about 10.8 million years ago. Prior to the use of DNA studies in cats, it was difficult to trace the Felidae family history, because feline fossils are rare, and difficult to tell apart.

cat laying down

Meet the Breed – Bengals

With the recent Calgary Cat Association Cat Show, we thought it would be fun to spotlight some of the purebred cats we have the pleasure of seeing here at Killarney Cat Hospital.


The Tooth Fairy comes for Kittens too!

Many new kitten owners are surprised to learn that kittens have “baby” teeth, just like we do.