Blog: Cat

Cat Deworming

Intestinal parasites are common in cats, especially cats who venture outdoors. Parasites can rob your cat of important nutrients and cause digestive upset. They are also transmissible to other animals and humans. We will talk with you about your cat's risk level for parasitism and set up a schedule for...


Senior Cat Care

Cats who are healthy and well cared for can live very long lives. It is not unusual for cats to live to 18 and sometimes 20 years of age. Rarely, some cats live into their early 20's. It is our goal to help your cat to live a long, happy...


Cat X-rays

X-ray imaging is a very important diagnostic tool. It allows us to visualize structures within the body, without the need for invasive procedures or surgery. X-rays may provide us with a needed diagnosis, in other cases, they may only provide clues or a few pieces to the puzzle of a...


Overweight Cat Help

While it would be nice if we could all have cats that we could just free feed and they could maintain a perfect body weight, this is unfortunately not the case for most of us. There are a few people that may have these cats, but it is not the...